Project Details

Garage Door Specialists

We developed a responsive, SEO-optimized website and ran Google Ads for Garage Door Specialists. For more details, visit Garage Door Specialists.

Our goal was to boost local business growth, achieve top rankings on Google Search, and advertise services to a relevant audience.

Technologies Used:

Vue.js, Nuxt 3, Firebase, AI

Challenges Faced:

  • Keyword ranking
  • SEO optimization
  • Achieving top positions on Google Search
  • Ads optimization
  • Ensuring website responsiveness

Solutions and Innovations:

  • Conducted thorough research
  • Implemented continuous testing and trial-and-error methods
  • Fixed bugs promptly
  • Leveraged AI for enhanced performance

Results and Achievements:

  • Developed a fully responsive website
  • Secured top 3 positions on Google Search
  • Improved keyword rankings
  • Boosted business growth and expanded into neighboring cities

Client Feedback:

"100% satisfied client, growing the business day by day."

About Garage Door Specialists:

Garage Door Specialists is a leading provider of garage door services in San Antonio, TX. They offer a comprehensive range of services including installation, repair, maintenance, and emergency services. With over 20 years of experience and a team of highly skilled technicians, they ensure top-quality service and customer satisfaction. The company specializes in residential and commercial garage door solutions, including garage door openers, springs, cables, and more.

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